Akudama Drive - Kansai With A Bang!

Just finished Akudama Drive, that was a good ass show (sorrynotsorry for the dirty language), so here’s a few short thoughts on it!

For only 12 episodes, it managed to tell a super solid story. The flow and pacing of everything made it feel more like a movie (though I practically binged the last half of it so that probably helped). But whereas many series will break a story into 3-4 episode arcs, this one feels more like one long flow, and I really enjoyed that. If you're looking for something to watch before the Winter 2021 season really kicks off, would highly recommend this one. Really damn good action series with a great story. Even though there is visual censorship bars in what I assume is the Japanese TV broadcast version that Funimation uses which hides gore (cut off limbs) its still doesn't hold back so, if you don't handle stuff like that well, here's your warning! This anime’s visuals are just as good as the rest of it and the animation is definitely top notch; no part of this show is significantly lacking, in my humble opinion!

I would honestly like to write a bit more as my mind is still filled with a lot of thoughts having just finished watching the show, but I’ve already added more to this from my initial posts on Discord, Twitter and the OA Facebook Group, and also its almost 1 AM for me, so this will be a fitting unceremonious end to this post.
