Sora yori mo Tooi Basho - Following Through


Late start to this season... Our main character in Sora yori mo Tooi Basho / A Place Farther Than the Universe can probably relate. Halfway through the season and I'm just now starting this amazing show! Shame on me!


So let's get right to it. I love this show and I've only just finished the first episode. There's so much to relate to! I want to start with our aforementioned main character, Kimarii. She wakes up is woken up by her mother after sleeping in half the day (something we can ALL relate to I'm sure) and happens across a diary she started when she entered high school. It seems as if she'd just found something that was long lost, and in it were some goals she wrote down: keep a diary, skip school just once, and get the most out of youth.

Following Through.


After being reminded of her goals she attempts to fulfill them, only to chicken out before school even starts.  To quote her, "where did all that determination go?" something I should ask myself more often, honestly.

It's after meeting Kobuchizawa Shirase and seeing her indomitable resolve to follow through with her goals that Kimarii finally finds the courage to do the same.  That's something I find incredibly inspiring.


I've had many fleeting goals through life. I didn't really feel like I had the support to follow through, or I was scared to venture into that unknown. However, after a while I realized if you want something bad enough you've got to work hard for it.  Really hard. It also helps to surround yourself with inspiring people. Lately I've been taking my ideas and goals more seriously and through another member of the Otaku Alliance Facebook group. I started watching a lot of videos from Casey Neistat (Check him out on YouTube!) and other inspiring people and I feel like I had a similar moment that Kimarii had with Shirase, so seek out and surround yourself with like minded-people!

Following Through!


The relateable characters in this show aren't the only things to appreciate either. As part of my personal goals to one day become an animator, I've been paying more attention to scenes and storytelling in anime and other visual media. The use of bookends in this episode was a great subtle example of visual storytelling and I thought it was interesting that they chose to frame the bathroom scene through a mirror instead of on the characters themselves.


I have a lot to look forward to from this show!  What do you think so far?
